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Guest post by Amuse Society Founder & Creative Director (and resident health guru) Mandy Fry shares her secrets to a healthy lifestyle.

This yummy smoothie is perfect after a morning work-out. It's full of nutrients to refresh your body and increase your energy. Coconut is the key here! It contains five essential electrolytes that are present in the body. These include calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium and sodium. Potassium helps with muscle recovery and maca powder keeps your energy going all day! If you suffer with allergies, try taking local bee pollen everyday to decrease your symptoms. Enjoy!

xx Mandy


12oz organic coconut water

1/2 organic banana (I prefer frozen)

Handful of frozen organic pineapple

1 cup organic spinach

1 cup organic kale

Pinch of fresh organic mint

1Tbs. Organic Raw Coconut Butter

1Tbs. Organic Chia seeds

1Tbs. Maca Powder for energy. I prefer Viva Labs brand

1 tsp. LOCAL bee pollen

Several ice cubes if you like it colder

Instructions: Mix all in a heavy duty blender!

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